Science Day

06.06.2024 08:00 - 07.06.2024 17:00

The teams of our special research program met for their first Science Day to share their research!

Scientists from the University of Vienna, the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, the Technische Universität Wien and the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg met on the 6th and the 7th of June to discuss the current state of their subprojects.

Their talks and presentations revolved around the topics of OAM-enabled transitions in CS-molecules, interactions of molecules with twisted light, 229Th nuclear spectroscopy in solid-state interactions of molecules, ultrafast tailored light as well as nuclear excitation with twisted light combs.

To foster the connections between the different subproject teams and strengthen gender equality in our research groups, researchers also took part in lab tours, a networking event for our female colleagues, and an outdoor riddle rally in the beautiful city center of Vienna.

Technische Universität Wien
A group picture of all the attendees of the Science Day at June 7th 2024 in front of the Technische Universität Wien.
A speaker during her presentation in front of the blackboard.
A speaker in front of a black board during his presentation.
Prof. Schumm during his presentation in front of a blackboard.
A member of the audience listening intently to a speaker.
Participants of the Science Day during a coffee break.
A member of the audience listening intently to a speaker.
The participants of the Science Day at a restaurant.
Participants of the Science Day solving riddles together at a social event.
Participants of the Science Day solving riddles together at a social event.
Participants of the Science Day solving riddles together at a social event.
Participants of the Science Day solving riddles together at a social event.
Participants of the Science Day solving riddles together at a social event.